
What does it feel like to follow a team who has never won an AFL premiership?

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And looking at Fremantle & the Melbourne clubs who haven't won one yet - it looks like it will be a lifetime before they ever do get close to winning one.

Must suck, eh? More reason for Melbourneians to be bitter!!!!!




  1. well you wanted a dockers fan... so here i am!

    its not so bad... you get used to losing, making any game that you do win feel like a flag anyway!!! lol

    i've been here for the tough times, and i still believe in my team.. it takes alot of guts to come out as a freo fan! but our time will come!

  2. I don't know!!!!!!

    But that why so many Victorians change teams from year to year. Look how many changed from teams like Melbourne & the Bulldogs to Geelong last year.

  3. It must feel terrible.

    If you are a Melbourne based team & have to put up with the likes of the Eagles, Lions, Swans, Crows, Power boasting.

    Who hasn't won one? The Dockers, Melbourne, Bulldogs, Tigers, St Kilda.

    None of those teams look like winning one this century, either!

  4. i agree

    my team won the FIRST afl flag in 1990

    and i dont even live in VICTORIA

  5. ive seen my team win flags so i cant really say

    ask the Dockers fans

  6. I reckon it would feel terrible - especially if you were a Victorian.

    We're talking AFL premierships here - not VFL premierships......they were easy to win as only Victorian clubs competed in that second rate competition.

  7. I think that the Dockers fans are probably full of expectation. Imagine the scene when they finally do win one.

    Best of luck to them!

  8. I havnt seen my team win a flag. i was born the year collingwood won their last flag. it looks like its guna be a while before the Pies win a premiership though. OMG, i might never see them win the flag!

  9. IT won't be the Vic's that are worried-better ask the fremantle fans they'll have the answer for you.

    AFL is the VFL when you interstaters joined we called it AFL to give you a sense of can kid yourself all you like but you know its essentially the old VFL with a couple of new teams added and a couple of Vic teams moving north.

  10. all the melbourne teams have won a premiership

    but yeh, ask dockers fans

  11. I thought Fremantle was the only club to never win one....

  12. well im an eagle surrporter.. and well... we wernt here wen it was vfl so i cant say we are doin bad... the Ds have been awsum teams for many years a long time and the dockers... well there are just the dockers.. so hard to say im afraid

  13. i dnt no i go 4 a team thats won 14 so i cnt tell u GO PIES

  14. It means that when you make it to the GF like swans did in 05 it has a surreal feel about it, I just couldn't believe we were in the big one and then we won the thing in a cliffhanger. I guess it's kinda like what an EPL fan would feel whose team isn't one of the big 4.

  15. I go for Swans and I thought I was gonna wait a life time...

    Hungary.. Thats how it makes you feel, Really really Hungary!!!

    But by gees it was worth the screaming and yelling all those years! The feeling of winning the cup is purely euphoric!!

  16. Wouldn't know because i have seen them in 5 and they won three of em. And only in 21 years. And they have only missed finals twice, and for a third year this year but u know, can't be the greatest all the time.

  17. yah another west coast fan, nobody could say anything about westcoast of over the last 4 years or so because they have been a great team and now every one wants to kick them whie they are down.. any money west coast will win another premiership before carlton, melbourne, freo, richmond, collingwood, and essendon and they call us sore losers.

  18. It sucks!

    We used to be able to win those VFL ones because we could afford to buy players from interstate. Now they stop us from doing that by means of that stupid salary cap.

  19. about the same as people from perth have never seen a REAL afl game

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