
What does it feel like to give birth to a child?

by Guest44588  |  earlier

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The question men will always ask and will never really understand.




  1. Well I've had three c-sections so I don't actually know what a vaginal birth is like(thank God)  But having c-sections are rough as well. Plus I was put out all three times but when woken up and seen those young-ens was the best thing ever.......All the pain before and after was well worth it.....Even though my third son was still born I was able to spend time with him that I'll never ever forget he's my little angel in heaven.... So either way giving birth naturally or by c-section is just amazing.....Something a man will never understand or ever come close to understanding....

  2. Painful and so tiring!!! I cant tell you how tired I was . I did it natural and the dr had to reach in to get her so that was painful , had to cut to get room to get her out . I couldnt pee without a cat . for a day 1/2 cause I was so swollen up

  3. It feels like peeing out marbles for a guy.

  4. First your scared because youhear all the horror stories and you see it alot on tv now. then the contractions start, at first you feel like "ok this is mangable I can do this" then later you feel like you are basically breaking in half.  Now your shouting for the epiderol. You feel better, backto being able to handle it.  Then suddenly you feel like you have to take a major s*** but you feel constipated, and your pelvic and buttocks is about to break into two little pieces!  Its time to push.  You feel exausted, tired, and all and every emotion you can think off.  Finally the baby comes out and when you see the little precious being you forget about all the pain and think it was worth it which means that 2-3 years from that day you will be giving birth again.

  5. Well thats a hard question. everytime is different. oh and its something that is hard to explain. One word helps answer it PAIN!!!! but its one that is easily forgot.

  6. Honestly, I don't remember feeling any pain while giving birth (but I took the epi).  I just remember feeling anxious, excited, nervous waiting on my daughters arrival.  I can remember my husband holding my hand while I pushed & the doctor jumping up & down when she could see the baby's head.  The part of the experience that sticks out the most is the amazing feeling I felt when I held my daughter for the first time.  I am at a loss for words to describe the emotions I felt.

  7. if it tells you anything, they say a women goes through the shadow of death when they give birth.

  8. Imagine pushing a basketball or a huge watermelon out of your area that you pee from. For some women,it hurts a lot,for others not so much. To me,when I had my boys,the most painful part in pushing them out was when the head and shoulders came out. They have that little hole to come through and it hurts!

    Even though we go through that pain,I am sure for the most part, most of the mothers out there,it is worth it to have a happy and healthy baby.

  9. It is an intense pain/pressure in the pelvic region.  It feels like you are trying to pass a watermelon thru your b*tt. (sorry TMI)  I had back labor which was INSANE pain... I dont know what it feels like for peopel with back probelms or spasms because I have never experienced that... but I wonder if it's similar.  Then you do feel the need to push... and you have to pass this huge baby thru a little hole.  It is painful.  

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