
What does it feel like to...?

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have a brother or sister? I'm an only child, my daughter is an only child...




  1. I'm an only child also.

    I have a half brother and sister in a country 89e4793u493 miles away from me & it's kind of nice not having anyone bothering me :P

  2. As a child he was a pain in my butt, but sometimes fun.  As an adult he's still a pain because he causes my family a great deal of angst as he is 25 years old and completely irresponsible.  He's had everyone try to help him in any way they could, but nothing anyone ever does is good enough unless they're completely financially supporting him...*sigh* good gravy, I'll hop off of my soapbox brother ticks me off a little bit :)

  3. Sometimes having a sister is the most annoying thing ever. lol

    I mean, if I didn't have a sister, there'd be more for me. But, it's also very nice to have a sister, because I'm pretty much never lonely. Both have pros and cons. :P

  4. I've got one bro, one sis and a step-bro.  I'm glad I have siblings coz I would never have survived living with just my parents.

  5. Well it has its pros and cons. I'm the second youngest, in the middle. I have an older sister, then an older brother, then my younger brother. I'm not close with my older brother at all, I don't speak with him..I don't even know why, its been like that since I was about 5. Me and my sister are amazingly close. And my younger brother is annoying as h**l. But hes a great kid. I like taking him places and teaching him things. My sister has two adorable children that I adore..I love them so much =]

    The only thing I don't like sometimes is having to stay home and watch my brother. My whole summer was spent watching him..I'm 17 and hes 10. It isn't fair, and I get angry over it, but I remind myself that one more year and I'm done babysitting him.

  6. its amazing. yeah theyre a pain in the butt. but me and my sister have a really good relationship. im 14 and shes 16 so we're at that point when we share allll of our boy stories and stuff. i don't even know how badly it would suck not to have a sister. she's like a best friend that you have a sleepover with every single night.

  7. well i have a brother and a sister when your young its great fun you play together and get on with the odd arguments...then when the older one wants to hang with his/her friends things change you argue i remember getting to the stage of actually hating my sister but then when we are all older we get along great me and my sister hang out and me n my brother talk but argue aswell...he's at that age.

    but i would never ever change them im glad i have them

  8. There's no way to say what it 'feels' like to have a brother and/or a sister...I have two brothers, one older and one younger...  My younger brother is Cerebal Palsey and is truly God's gift to the entire family.  I don't say he is 'perfect' by any means, and he does have his own mind, but there isn't a spiteful bone in his older brother, on the other hand, is what most would call 'highly successful' and he believes it's due 'entirely' of his own doing...the more he has, the more he has to have...he's married to a stunningly gorgeous wife whose beauty only improves with age (really!)...they are the kind of people who come into your home, make ALL of the necessary 'changes' without even a hint that they're going to make them and many, of which, one wouldn't want done in a million years...but ALL to their satisfaction...  They do all of this in the guise of 'helping' but just happen to 'notice' everything in your place and where everything is located...(I would call it snooping, but it MUCH worse)...they 'schedule' "your time" with them and put you away 'neatly' till the next time they expect your 'presence'...  And it gets worse...  So, if you ask scenario can be a 'God send' and another situation can be 'h**l'...literally...  It's sad that one cannot 'pick their relatives'...very, very sad indeed...

  9. I know the feeling.  I'm an only (and the last of my line!  the only male heir in the family--and the only "only"--and g*y!).  I always wished I'd had a younger brother.  Actually, my mom tried:  4 miscarriages and a stillbirth, all boys.  I hear stories good and bad from friends with siblings, but overall it sounds like an experience I wish I'd had.  I was probably spoiled, with presents, not so much with attention, but I'd rather have had a sibling to share my youth with.  Or argue with!

  10. The hand me down clothes never quite fit right and are always out of style.

    No bathroom time.

    Never had my own room.

    One of them was always tattling on one of the others.

    Dragging little ones off to play football with my contemporaries was painful.

    The older ones always tormented me with snakes.

  11. I am an only child too. Feel sooo happy! My mom have a brother, she say he's rather annoying and sometimes hurt her feelings. Being an only child is amazing. :)

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