
What does it feel like when the babies head engages?

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you would have thought i should know this being my third pregnancy but i just wanted to clarify if what i'm feeling is indeed my babies head engaging.

Last time i saw my midwife she said the baby was 4 fifths engaged and 2 weeks later i'm feeling like i need to poo (sorry) and its uncomfortable down below and sometimes not very often i will get a sharp pain. The uncomfortable side to it is more in my back but i can feel discomfort through the front. I'm 32 weeks so i know its not labour. Also been getting a lot of braxton hicks. Thanks in advance.




  1. I would say yes it has engaged! Sounds like you might also be in for an early labour!

  2. Yeah mine is dropping as well.

    Lots of aches and pains pelvic area and hips, lower back aches. Some occational numbsness as the little guy hits nerves.

    Have to pee all the time times 2.

    Constipated heavyness.

    a lot less pressure on my stomach, less heartburn and easier to breath when bending.

  3. Thats exactly how i feel now...and im over 38 weeks!

  4. I don't think it's early labour but the head is probably engaged now. The sharp pains that you feel are nerve ends being sqeezed by the baby' head. It's very normal at this stage.

    If it feels very uncomfortable at night, try to sleep with a pillow between your legs - it's helped me a lot.

    Should the pain get worse you'll need to contact your midwife or hospital to make sure everything's ok with you and the baby.

    I wish you good luck :-)

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