
What does it indicate when you "see stars"?

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Right at this moment I am having a hard time seeing because - for lack of a better explanation - I am "seeing stars" in front of my eyes. It's like when you come inside after being in the sunlight & it's hard to focus. Except I cam in from lunch over two hours ago & it just started. I don't have a headache or any pain associated with it. But I can't hardly read the words I am typing on this page.

What's the deal?




  1. There are several things it can be, check out this article.

    There can be several causes of seeing flashing lights.

    Sometimes, flashing lights or jagged moving lights can be associated with migrane headaches. Usually these flashing lights occur prior to the headache and are in both eyes; however, there can be migranes with no flashing lights and only headaches or migranes with only flashing lights and no headaches (ophthalmic migranes).

    Flashing lights can also be caused by pulling on the retina. This can be associated with floaters. In this case, the symptoms are usually in one eye at a time. Anyone with new floaters and floaters should see an ophthalmologist to have his or her retina examined.

    Flashing lights may occur if one exercises too hard as blood can be shunted away from certain parts of the brain and the eye to muscles. In this situation, one should try to stop exercising and see if the flashing lights stop..


    This information is provided for educational purposes only. You should see your physician for specific diagnostic and treatment options.


    HFHS MD - NI

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