
What does it look like?

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I know what a circumcised and an uncircumcised p***s are but what does and uncircumcised p***s look like? I don't know which one mine is. I know there is some f******n one an uncircumcised. How can I tell which one mine is? :S

How do you see the difference? Does the f******n hurt to take off? I need help.




  1. to see the parts go here and click on behind the fig leaf in top right, they are all drawing suitable for a middle school s*x education class

    basically there is a f******n that sits around the p***s head when soft, when erect it folds behind the head looking much the same as a cut p***s

    circumcision is a very painful procedure and is done in an especially cruel way to infants, surgery is often done with nothing or trivial amounts of pain management

    if you find out you are circumcised and would like to have more pleasure and easier more enjoyable s*x you should do f******n restoration

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

  2. An easy way of knowing is if you can move the skin of your p***s up and down.

    A circumcised p***s usually has a scar too where the skin was cut.

    Yes having your f******n removed does hurt and it also has other downsides like reduced sensitivity and not being able to m********e easily.  There really are no proven health benefits to being circumcised.

  3. try wikipedia.

  4. See below diagram:

  5. +1 for Clubs.

    And if your are uncircumcised, and get circumcised, yes it will hurt for a couple weeks.  

  6. Just ask your mum. she will know whether you are circumcised.

    if you have a f******n, then you haven't been cut. if the head of you p***s shows, then you have.


  7. If you're UNcircumcised and do not know it, you probably are in need of some serious cleaning.

  8. go on wikipeadia and search circumsised and u will get pics

    or google image it ;)

  9. Wikipedia can help you a lot in figuring this out. Your p***s consists of a shaft covered with hairless skin. The farthest end of your p***s flares out into an acorn or mushroom shaped head or glans(Latin for acorn) which is pink to purple coloured, hairless and very sensitive to touch, rubbing and pain. In the uncircumcised there is a double layer of skin like a turtle-neck sweater which covers the glans in a protective fashion and which  can be rolled back to expose the acorn-like glans. The turtle neck is your f******n or prepuce and when you are fully grown the outer layer is like the shaft of your p***s, normal skin with no attached hair and also very stretchy and elastic. The inside of this f******n is thin, non-elastic an a delicate pinkish to purplish colour. It is extremely sensitve and it attaches to the rim of the glans, area which flares out called the corona(Latin for crown).

    When a circumsicion is performed, much of the double-layered f******n is cut off, leaving a cuff of inner skin attached to the corona or rim and a varying amount of outer f******n remains as well but the head of one's glans is completely exposed.If your glans is moist, sticky and nearly always covered up, it  may also have whitish curd-like material stuck to it especially around the rim. This substance is called smegma and needs to be cleaned away every day because it develops a very rank smell.

    Circumcsion prevents the build-uo of this rank smelling substance. it also makes the glans or head dry, velevety and non-sticky. You can touch the head of a circumcised p***s without any discomfort but the uncircumcised p***s will have a head which is extremely uncomfortable when touched unless the f******n is left in the pulled back position most of the time (retracted).

    There are excellent sites where you can look this up..

    You should tell us what age you are and why you are so concerned. In the U.S.A. it is very common for the p***s to be circumcised, altho' it is perfectly okay to be either way.

    If you get circumcised, you must have it done by a doctor who does lots of circumcisions. He will freeze you p***s with injections at the base so that it does not hurt to cut it. You must not do  a circumcision yourself.

    Why can you not ask your Mom? I am sure that she would want you to know about your body

  10. you can see uncircumcised p***s at lots of chat sites. I'll send you some when your email address is available.

  11. go to these sites:  plenty of info on circumcision and circumcised and uncircumcised penises:

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