
What does it mean, if I have rust water in my reservoir?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 1987 IROC, and I have rust water in my resivor? And it overheats fast..what could it be? But the radiator doesnt overheat?




  1. get flush kit and radiator flush at any advance auto...replace 50/50 coolant/water..

  2. you need to reverse flush the radiator press stone has a kit with a tee you put on the heater hose ,and has in instructions on how to do this your lucky it;s not a front wheel drive they are harder to do gt.also buy two gals of anti freeze and mix 50-50 with water .  

  3. The radiator could be blocked. More than likely wont overheat from the radiator as its being sent to the resevoir. I recomend flushing the block/engine and getting your radiator checked for blockages. Empty out the resevoir (take it out of the car) and soak it in bleach just to get it clean again. Re install it, and refit the radiator. Refill ONLY with coolant NOT WATER. If the car is still overheating it may be your thermostat that needs to be replaced aswell. If its still getting may need to check that your fan is working properly. If not, try Shermatt International Tech Talk pages they import and export cars from america USA but have alot of other usefull information including american muscle cars for sale and free vin de coding. hope ive helped a bit


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