
What does it mean 'upgrades are available?

by  |  earlier

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for your computer'

This message comes on every time I turn on my pc.

I clicked this a while back and really messed up the whole system. Cant remember what the programme was but it wiped out everything.

so I'm understandably nervous of doing it again.

Is it essential to upgrade if not how can I stop the reminders.

Thanks for any advice




  1. It means that your software is ready to update. It automatically comes up. You can leave it or you can updtae yours software.

  2. above message will be asked if your system is ready to upgrade to windows pathes

    if u want to stop the above message

    go to >start>control pannel>automatic updates

    then check turn off automatic updates option

    ip your system licenced ,it is better to go to update

  3. HI,

    This means that, one of the ur software is corrupted or affected by virus even though ur antivirys is on.

    If ur antivirus is updated,then do the following.

    Disconnect ur LAN cable if u r connected to the internet.

    Re-start ur computer & FULL scan ur computer.

    After doing this connect the LAN cord.

    Now still message appers to "UPLOAD",please upload the same.

    Dont-worry ur data willbe safe unless u have affected by the virus.


  4. depends on whats telling you. If its a yellow sheild, its Microsoft. They update every so often and its usually a good idea to do it, though it can make stuff stop working. If it does, system restore.

  5. I can understand you being a bit nervous.  :-)  Yes, you should always get updates if they are available.  People regularly find "exploits," also called holes, in programs that mean they can get to your computer and do nasty things.  Updates are to close the holes.

    Very VERY occasionally things go wrong with a Microsoft update but far more often, the thing that goes wrong with the update is that it wasn't Microsoft but a virus masquerading as Microsoft update.

    The message coming up should be a yellow "speech balloon" from a little icon near your clock.  Anything else that claims to be from Microsoft, you can safely ignore and check for yourself if Microsoft has updates for you.  Do this like this:

    Click on Start.

    Look for a link to Windows Update - click it.

    This will take you to Microsoft's website where you can tell it to search for updates.  After that, just follow the prompts you get.

    If anything else comes up, it could be to do with a program you have installed on your computer; deal with it the same way as Microsoft updates - go to the site of the programs manufacturer and look for updated versions there.

    All the best!  :-)

  6. "Wiped out the whole computer" did it? Merely clicking on the Winblows update notification? Definitely sounds like a PICNIC error to me. Maybe it's the operator that requires an upgrade...

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