
What does it mean: Interview Options, in applications for jobs?

by  |  earlier

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i've got some reply from recreiting agency, with an attachement (WORD) contains table to fill in. allmost done, only this question:

interview options: .......... what should i use, or what are the valid choises!!




  1. Maybe you can chat with hiring managers or recruiters directly. I think they are more professional and they are who know the fact. As far as I know, provide this service. Good luck!

  2. You may need to phone the agency to clarify this one.  It could mean:

    what time of day you prefer, morning or afternoon; what day or days of the week you're available; do you need to be interviewed by phone or can you come into their office.  Rather than give them an irrelevant answer, call them.

    Good luck in getting a job you like!

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