
What does it mean??? Popped my cherry???

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what does it mean when people say... he popped my cherry...??

i know it has something to do with s*x but im not sure... HELP!!




  1. took your virginity

  2. It means that you are not a virgin any more.  Someone "has popped your cherry".

    when a male penetrates a virgin female too fast, and rips or tears the hymen, the skin at the opening of the v****a. Causing the v****a to bleed slightly. also slang for loosing your virginity.

  3. it means you lost your virginity, or were at least penetrated vaginally in some sense. your 'cherry' is your hymen, a part of your vag that can be 'popped' or go away in ways besided s*x, like bike riding.  

  4. You had s*x

    your hymen tore

    which is also known as your "cherry".

  5. It means a guy took a girls virginity.  She had s*x for the first time.

  6. It's when you have s*x for the first time and your hymen is broken, resulting in a tiny bit of blood. It happens to most people their first time, although some people's hymens can be broken beforehand from non-sexual activity (like riding a bike or horse)

  7. It means "he tore my hymen" (that's the little bit of tissue inside your v***a that surrounds the entrance to your v****a)

    "He" could have done that with his p***s (in which case you'd no longer be a virgin), or with his fingers or something else (in which case you're a virgin still, but one with a broken hymen).

  8. it means he broke your hymen.

    it happens usually in s*x but it can also happen while bike riding or horse riding or even anything physical.

  9. popped my cherry = lost my virginity

  10. u lost your virginity..simple

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