
What does it mean at night when I feel my body get a shock when I close my eyes?

by Guest56371  |  earlier

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Since a few months ago Before I go to bed I lay down and close my eyes and start to fall a sleep I feel like my body gets shocked and awakes me. when my eyes are closed and it happens, my eyes like falsh as if something bright is near my eyes.(I dont have a tv or lights on when i go to sleep) I immediatly feel all fuzzy and my head starts to pound. It usually happens between 4 to 10 times before I fall asleep. Im not sure if its a sleeping disorder or something different Please help!




  1. ^ IDIOT

  2. Hi,I am 56 and I do that most nights,when I was 4 years old I had a double hernia operation,because I had whooping cough that caused the hernia,and my mum told me that the surgeon and nurses dropped me off the operating table and I woke up and since then I feel like I fall off the bed ,just as I am going to sleep,almost every night.So you may have a similar event happened to you.

  3. It could God trying to keep you from falling asleep before saying your prayers!  

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