
What does it mean by half board, full board and all inclusive when booking holidays?

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What does it mean by half board, full board and all inclusive when booking holidays?




  1. Half board: Bed breakfast and evening meal.

    Full Board: Bed breakfast lunch and evening meal.

    All inclusive generally means all food and drinks....

  2. Half board means you get your room and breakfast included in the price. Full board means you get your room and meals. All inclusive means you get your room, all meals and probably some drinks etc, depending on the package.

  3. half board is breakfast and dinner. full board includes lunch as well and all inclusive is just that. Problem is though while it may be all inclusive there may be restrictions on what drinks etc you can have and it may be a murky punch or something.

  4. B and B is bed and breakfast, half board includes one meal...usually dinner full board is all meals and all inclusive is everything...meals bar snacks and drinks.  

  5. Ask you're travel agent.

    Your'e getting millions of different answers on here.

    Self catering - nothing food&drink wise included.

    Half board - When I went half board I got breakfast and main meal included but no drinks.

    Full board I believe is just food so for example breakfast, dinner and tea. You should get snacks too but not sure.

    All inclusive is everything. Breakfast, dinner, tea, snacks inbetween, puddings, alcoholic and normal drinks.

    Hope this helps!!  

  6. As the others have stated half board is breakfast and dinner,full board all meals.All inclusive is all meals,plus soft drinks, teas, coffees and alchoholic beverages excepting imported makes.Sometimes includes ice-creams.

  7. By the sounds of it,your looking to book a holiday abroad.

    Half board, usually means bed, breakfast & evening meal.

    Full board : add mid day meal

    All inclusive is all meals, snacks (mainly for kids) and in most cases locally produced drinks.

    If your on a tight budget, but can afford the inital outlay, go for all inclusive as at least that way, you know all meals are paid for and that you will get drinks provided. Remember, that the drinks are normally local versions of well known names and local beer, i.e San Miquel in Spain, but if you want "branded" drinks, Teachers, Bells etc you might have to pay.

    Its worth checking with your travel agent when booking.

  8. Half Board - You're able to have breakfast and a choice of dinner (usually in a buffet hotel) [you pay for lunch]

    Full Board - 3 meals a day, generally with a choice of pre-meal time snacks [pay for snacks and drinks separately]

    All Inc - All meal costs are included in the price of the hotel. Any extras have to be paid extras (food already in room/electricals etc)

  9. Half board is dinner bed and breakfast.

    Full board is dinner, bed, breakfast and lunch.

    All inclusive is basically the same as full board but will probably have coffees and teas as well

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