
What does it mean by having no life?

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alot of people keep on saying i have no life and it really bugs me and makes me insecure.. :[

what does that mean and HOW do i FIX it? :)

had someone said the same thing about you, it would really help if someone has the same problem.. it just makes me REALLY mad.




  1. They feel excluded fromYOUR life.  That is probably a good thing.

  2. Anyone who says this is mean and nasty - they should get a life!

    If you are happy with your life that's what counts.  

  3. I'm with you there, I've gotten that a lot actually.

    Depending on what stage you are in your life there are different meanings for it.

    If you are still in school, having no life means that you do not have much of a social life. So if you want to fix it, some great things to do would be to go to all the social gatherings you can manage to go to, and in your spare time try hanging out with people. Also, if you are in school, if you are not already in one, joining a sport would be a good way to help out.

    As for people that are out of school, having no life still sort of revolves around having a smaller social life than the 'average' person.

    All in all, the best things to do to change that reputation is to get out and do things. If you normally sit at home on the computer, or let school work or work related things take up all your time, it would be a good idea to take a breather and do something with someone that you can talk about.

  4. They are pessimist. Try to brighten up their day. Make them realize that life is beautiful..  

  5. It just means that they cannot perceive what they believe to be exciting in your life. If you feel happy doing the things you do - and you are causing no one else any harm - then don't worry about what they say. It's usually a thing people do to control other people into their own way of thinking and acting.

    However, if they've picked up on some kind of unhappiness in you and you feel particularly dissatisfied with your life experiences so far, try to find things that you do like to do and people that you have things in common with.

  6. To me it means that your always entertaining yourself with the Internet or Videogames...and you hardly go out and dont have alot of friends...If it is what im Saying Try to go outmore have some fun...

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