
What does it mean by saying water runs deep???

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What does it mean by saying water runs deep???




  1. Water runs deep means that no matter how you patch things up water will always find its way throw. Water is always running and always dripping.

  2. The saying is, "Still waters run deep".  It means that even when things appear one way on the surface, something may be going on beneath that surface.  For example, a person who appears kind and pleasant may be manipulative and mean when they get into certain situations, or a seemingly happy marriage may be falling apart behind closed doors.

  3. I think the saying is "still water runs deep."   It's a comparison to the fact that a shallow stream, as it runs over stones and whatever, makes a lot of splashing, while a deep river flows more smoothly.   (In other words, a quiet person may have "deeper" thoughts, while a lively person may be more "shallow.")

  4. The quote I've heard is "Still waters run deep."  Meaning that you may appear quiet on the surface, like a pool in a river, but have a lot going on behind the scenes--you're deep.

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