
What does it mean for the Beijing games, being the start of China becoming more "open"

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What does it mean for the Beijing games, being the start of China becoming more "open"




  1. Maybe it means "less Communist"

  2. Really, nothing.

  3. It just means more open, that's all


  4. How can they say It "Open" or "coming of age" e.t.c.

    The PRC 's CCP Govt - Took land at cut rate prices from citizens for venues, closed many factories for the duration of the games, threw out all non residents and migrant workers of  Beijing, diverted water for the games depriving farmers in the North and the list is just endless - All to create a false image.

    Currently it is like a Police state x 3. The Security is not for the protection for the heads of State , it is so the Protesters cannot disrupt their "Crowning Glory".

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