
What does it mean if I chew up like half of my styrafoam cup? ?

by  |  earlier

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I heard if you peel off the labels it means you have good sexual intuition, whatever that means.




  1. Either your starving or your really nervous!

  2. it means youre bored.

  3. i dont think that it means anything... but if you think so go with it!

  4. thats weird i heard the label thing means your sexually frustrated lol

  5. never heard that b/4

  6. Eating inedible things is usually called "pica". It's just a tendency to chew on things that aren't food.... like how when horses obsessively gnaw on wood. It's not necessarily bad, it could just be a phase, or because you're bored or stressed. If you see a pattern that you usually do it when bored or stressed, then remind yourself of this and find something else to do.

    Apparently, chewing on ice is supposedly because of sexual frustration... so maybe you're under that type of stress too?

  7. Don't ingest styrofoam, it's not good for you.

  8. it means you chewed up half a styrafoam cup

  9. I O NO!

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