
What does it mean if I ovulate and 20 some days later nothing is happening?

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I had a miscarriage in early June. My next and current cycle started July 13-17th. Before I had a miscarriage I had 32 day cycle my ovulation used to be 12-14 days into my cycle. Well this time around my ovulation was around the 17-19th. I am in cycle day 38/21 days past ovulation and no period and negative HP tests.

Around 6 or 7 days past ovulation I had cramping and very very very almost not there spotting. It was more like my CM was Orange white.

A week or so ago I had thick yellow whitish CM and then the next few days I had lots and lots of white creamy CM then the next few a normal amount of CM one day then today back to thick snotty looking CM. My b***s are swollen and tender and my body is achy and I'm always so tired now. And I feel hungry and I barley touch my food and I start gaging if I try to finish.

I have no idea whats going.

I have been having what I think are cramps but don't really feel like them. Its like a nagging annoying pain and my abdomen feels tight and my whole body feels uncomfortable and I have been so bloated!

I have had negative HPT's is there any chance at all I am still pregnant since I know I ovulated?

I went on's ovulation calculater and just to see what it said I put in that I had a 32 day cycle with the date of the first day of my period and it gave me the dates of ovulation that I had on the OPK's. Is that telling me I should have a 32 day cycle still?

And if I were pregnant and 6 days late wouldnt a pregnancy test come up positive?

Has this ever happend to you?




  1. I would ask your dr for a blood test.

    baby dust :)

  2. you definitely sound pregnant, i'd go see the doctor to find out what's up.

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