
What does it mean if a girl skips her period??

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Well I skipped my period, yet I dont know what it means. Please tell me.




  1. Since you put the question in this section you must have SOME idea of what it means......go buy a pregnancy test!!

  2. Well, if you're NOT pregnant or sexually active, it can mean the following things...

    -You had a change in diet/eating (usually a skipped period means lack of nutrition)

    -You are very active (running, sports, etc.)

    -You are stressed out (school, work, etc.)

    It's not abnormal for a girl to skip a period once in a while, but If you haven't had it for a few months, it's best to go to a doctor or gyn and make sure everything is alright. Take care of yourself!

  3. If you've had s*x you could be pregnant. If not you could be stressed out which can cause you to miss your period as well. If you've been exercising  a lot more recently along with weight loss then you could also miss your period.

  4. Aids

  5. if u had s*x u could be pregnant, if not then it happens sometimes. it mite be stress. if it keeps happening tell someone.

  6. Really??? Really???

  7. Well of course there is that chance your pregnant, if you are sexually active and have missed a period, this has to be your first thought.  

    It's a good idea to do a test.  If it comes up negative and you are still concerned you might be pregnant, wait 2 weeks and do another test.

    If it comes up negative and your satisfied with that, then it's worth keeping a period diary to record when you come on and off.  Periods are controlled by hormones, and we all know they aren't always predictable!  Lots of things can affect your hormones so there isn't really much to worry about yet.

    You could always see your doctor if your really concerned.  :-)

  8. review your last month's actions.

  9. pregnant or stressed out

  10. maybe ur pregnant

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