
What does it mean if a guy says he is not good enough for you?

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My boyfriend says he is not good enough for me and thinks I would be better off with someone else.




  1. I believe he is trying to say that he doesn't want to be with you anymore. He also could be very insecure. Also could be sick of all the looks, competition, etc. He might go home and think about what you may or might be could eat him up inside and he's sick of that!  

  2. probably he thinks that your not happy with him and just want to let you go .. it could be a misunderstanding.

    or he's got someone else to care about . you know what i mean .

    you should go and ask this question to him .. if you can.  

  3. Sorry - but he is trying to say goodbye!  Many men just dont have the guts to say it and hope YOU will call it off or just disappear.

    Get more detail from him - ask him - unless he is a liar like our friend from Dinnington (look it up) he will eventually tell you.

  4. he  thinks u can find someone better than him

  5. he might be having a condition called inferiority complex.

    or what he is saying actually means the other way around and called a  non offensive way of dumping you.

  6. It means he has secret s*x with others but you do not.

  7. it means that he cant reach your expectations and standards.

  8. Sounds like he's insecure. Either that or the fact he's looking for a reason to dump you and that excuse is one of the worst one's in the book. Let him go. Don't need that ****.

  9. if he loves you he should let you be the one who decide if he is or he isn't good enough for you.

  10. He thinks that he could never be the person that u deserve

  11. In order of probability, either:

    (1) He's just looking for reasons to dump you.

    (2) You're really attractive and he's sick of the competition.

    (3) He's seriously insecure.

  12. he feels like he doesn't deserve to be with you. let him know that you want to be with him, he probably thinks that you will run off with the next guy that's better looking than him lol tell him that if he wasnt good enough for you then you wouldnt be with him.

  13. first of all he is not confident which is something most girls don't want in a man...if you want to feel safe and supported by your man he needs to be confident in himself or else he's going to think he's making you look bad and get even more depressed...

    he just has no self confidence...

  14. Ahhh this old chestnut. Gotta love it. Basically it means he likes you but thinks that you think of him as only a friend so he rationalizes it in his mind and comes up with "you are too good for me".

    Poor guy, he really likes it. Reciprocate if you like him.  

  15. Maybe hes trying to break up and doesn't want to hurt you.

    Or maybe he actually does feel like your too good for him.

    I dont know :S

  16. ounds like a really lame excuse to dump you

    OR an insecure guy thats begging you to make him feel

    better about himself

    either way its annoying and not good

  17. Hes just trying to cushion the blow.. Hes dumping you..

    I've been there..

    Its either that.. or the guy really does think you deserve better than him...

    But then again, why put himself down like that?

  18. hes basically saying that your a better person then him and that hes probably holding you back and keeping you from reaching to your full potential. thats all if you really want it to work just talk to him and make him understand that youre noting with out him. basically telling him exactly how you feel.

    good luck just ask if you have any other questions

  19. It means he wants you to reveal more of yourself. Your flaws. The real you not the glossed over you.

    It is very hard to reveal our true selves. We constantly make up all sorts of false motives for our behaviour and hope others will believe our press release.

    That doesn't mean dump all your innermost problems on him, just open up a little bit more. Really trust him with some secret revelation about your nature to the extent that you can. Don't expect anything back. Tell him solely to create a little bit of intimacy.

    It's hard work being around someone you think of as perfect.

  20. It's always true for any male but they don't mean it. He wants you to think he is doing the Right and Nobel and Honorable thing by dumping you because he realizes he is truly not worthy? Not on planet earth. Tell him not to worry. That american females stopped having standards in the early 70's and you have set yours really low. See what he says to that. And let us know.  8~)

  21. its just his tactic. he says that cuz he wants to hear you say "you are good enough for me because i love you blah blah blah and i get to choose the guy i want and you're the one for me" and stuff like that.

    he wants you to reassure him.

  22. tryn to dump u

  23. I think when he says that he means that he's not worthy to be with you. And when he says "you would be better off with someone else" he thinks you could do so much better then him. Well, that's what i think.

    hope this helps! =]

  24. He thinks your too good for him

  25. It simply means he is not happy with himself. If he was secure with himself he would know you are good enough for him and he wouldn’t even have to think twice about it. People with low self esteem can be challenging to deal with in a relationship. A person needs to first be happy with themselves before they can look for someone else to make them happy. He needs to work on him and hopefully it will help your relationship.

    He could also be trying to break up with you in a nice way. The old “it’s not you, it’s me”

  26. This is the classic break up line in attempt to not hurt you. He wants to put the blame on himself but think about that line for a minute: why wouldn't a man want to be with someone who is too good for him? Ditch the boy and find someone who will be grateful for every day that you are in his life.  

  27. He's probably just insecure. My boyfriend has said this a few times, and asked why I loved him, etc. It's usually because they want to hear you say "No, you're good enough for me, whether you think so or not." to make him feel better, or he wants to be sure you love him. Don't listen to the "he's trying to dump you" ones, unless he's a complete jerk. If he's nice/shy, then he's just insecure.

  28. he is just testing you to see if you agree with him.

    This this. The next time yo guy says "I'm not good enough" say:

    "you know something? YOU ARE RIGHT!!"

    A million dollars says he will go "what??? are you serious?"

    He's going to act surprised and shocked because he never actually THOUGHT he wasnt good enough. He just wanted to see if you felt that way about him.

    Make sure you tell him you are just jokin.  

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