
What does it mean if a person has mars in the 7th house? is it bad?

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does it have anything to do with marriage? what points to keep in mind if such a person was looking for a good match? in what zodiac signs does mars in the 7th house have not much influence on the person?




  1. Horoscopes suck. They dont make any sense.

  2. it means they are manglik, and yes supposevly it affects marriage and partner ships. I am a manglik myself. its also known as mangla dosh, the best option for a person who has this influence is to marry another manglik. They work well together. This influence can be quite destructive in relationships.

  3. generally when mars is in 7 th house there are quarrels with life partner.

    when people have mars in 7 th house they try to keep control

    on their life partner, defending their partner and struggle for them.  

    mars in 7 th house but aspect of Jupiter will reduce quarrels.

    if one person have mars in 7 th house then  other should have mars in 1 st , 4 th, 7 th or 12 th house

    lord of 7 th house should not be in 12 th or 6 th house because in this case life partner don't support them.

  4. if a person has mars in the 7th house , then the person called Manglik having Mangla dosh.

    its not bad if another person also Manglik , otherwise mars in the 7th house show the married  life as well as spouse life also questionable.


    its much better , the other person must have mars in the 1st, 4th, specially 7th , 8th or.12 th

    and there is not the role of zodiac sign , only above given points keep in mind.

  5. I wouldn't take to much of your cues from Astrology. Sometimes mind over matter will make things happen that seem destined to but its really you making them happen.

    Like when you feel you are pushing some one away you end up doing this very thing because when people feel this they tend to become clingy and want to spend a lot of time with the person.

    My girlfriend I am with now did a thing on us with Numerology and after she was done she shut the book and said yup we will work. Kinda weird but we have had out ups and downs and nothing can prepare you for that.

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