
What does it mean if a person says they hate you but then they email you and keep replying to you?

by  |  earlier

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He said he hates me apparently, and a few days told me it was over COMPLETELY but then he emailed me and said he was just doing it cause he thought it was funny to "annoy" me or whatever.

He loved me after everything else, I was convinced it was even you think he really hates me, or he's just REALLY angry with me right now?




  1. What? This must be the aftermath effect of something which happened before..

    Unless he just randomly emailed you saying he hates you.. and its over.

    If that is the case let this loser go..

  2. sounds like their messin with ur mind.  

  3. Wether he loves you or hates you should be irrelevant. The important thing is you are dealing with an immature jerk. He apparently does not care about your' feelings or he would have NEVER said those things even as a joke!!

    Think real hard about how YOU feel about HIM. Then ask yourself how could you even care about someone who is willing to treat you that way. He is playing with your' emotions and you should NEVER let someone do that to you!

  4. can you say CHILDISH?  Move on...let this knucklehead go.

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