
What does it mean if it rains on your wedding day ?

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What does it mean if it rains on your wedding day ?




  1. your going to get wet!!!

  2. That you picked a rainy day to get married?  you can't control the weather and I don't think the weather is trying to tell you anything about the marriage in the future.  It snowed on my wedding day and so far nothing unsusal has happened.

  3. GOOD LUCK!!! ( =

    And use extra hair spray ; )

  4. good luck or bad luck or your marriage wasn't meant to be

  5. It's a great thing. It can mean a number of things, all of them good:

    1. The couple's love can withstand any weather.

    2. Freshness, new beginnings.

    3. Good luck.

    Don't be superstitious. It'll go amazingly.

    Use extra hairspray. (;

  6. According to most superstitions its supposed to be a sign of good luck. But i guess it depends on whether or not you are superstitious. It rained on my mothers wedding day and her marriage lasted less than 2 years. I rained on mine and we are and will continue to be happily married.  

  7. i was told that anything that happened on your wedding day was good luck. it just mean that there was a high chance of precipitation that day, so dont be so superstitious. marriage relys on commitment.

  8. well my parents got married in sept. flooded here in houston...and they lived happily married. I'd say good luck! others say tears, but the only tears my parents have shed were when my siblings and i were born! LOL good luck!

  9. According to my sister in law it means that you ate out of a cooking pot, instead of waiting to be served.

    To me it means that if you were planning an outdoor wedding, I hope you have a Plan B!

  10. it  means happiness in your wedded life. :)

    im not superstitious but thats what everyone says..!

  11. In northern India, it means in your younger days,you have licked clean a lot of plates or serving bowls.

  12. It means that it rained on your wedding day.

  13. It means Good Luck!

  14. I heard that it means a lot of tears in the wedding. Now I don't know if this true or not.

  15. it means it just raining.  

  16. good luck

  17. That the couple can weather any storm.  For real I don't know but a good guess.

  18. Growing up we were told "Happy the Bride that it rains on" I have no clue where it came from but, there you have it. Now, this does not mean that it has to be like during the ceremony or anything, just sometime that day (24 hours).

  19. The forces of nature couldn't care less what day it is and you as a person.

  20. frizzy hair alert!

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