
What does it mean if my poo is green?

by Guest57615  |  earlier

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i went to the bathroom about 3 days ago, and my poo was green! i thot i shouldnt worry about it onless it happens again, so i didnt. but wen i went 2 the bathroom again 2day, it was green again! i havnt eaten anything green, eaten or drank anything new. i decided 2 be a vegetarian about 2 weeks ago, could the sudden change in my diet be the cause?




  1. someting red did it and its not to worry about its the only thing and it does do that.

  2. You posted this in the wrong section.

  3. any kind of dye or food coloring, even if it was black cake icing, can have 'interesting' effects on your GI system.... as long as you have no other symptoms (no cramping, fever, etc) it should be ok...

  4. yes it could be the reason. if its normal in every other way dont worry

  5. Have you been eating Irish?

  6. If you have the occasional green stool—don't panic! Most likely it is normal, and there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. Think about the foods you ate, any vitamins or supplements you took—even if they're not green in color.

    There can be many reasons why stool appears to be green. The first and most obvious reason is eating green foods. Green, leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll which could be coloring the stool green. Foods with dark purple coloring like Kool-Aid, popsicles, and gelatin (Jell-O) can also result in rainbow-colored stools. Iron supplements or even foods that are rich in iron can also give stool a green tinge.

    Stool can also appear green for physical reasons, and not just from what you've been eating. We think of a healthy stool as being brown. Bile that is secreted in the first part of the small intestine is actually green. As stool is digested and passed through the large intestine it is turned into a darker brown color.

    If stool is still green by the time it is excreted, it could mean that it went through the large intestine too fast to be changed in color. This is often called "rapid transit" or "decreased colonic transit time" and diarrhea that is green in color could be the result.

    In breast-fed babies, green stool is a normal occurrence, especially right after delivery. In older children, the reason could be food-related as described above, or even from non-food items. Eating or sucking on colored non-food items such as crayons might also turn stools different colors.

    If green stool continues, or your bowel habits have changed in other ways, you may want to call your doctor. This is especially true if you are experiencing diarrhea which can be an indication of other problems or could lead to dehydration.

  7. how have you been a vegetarian for two weeks without eating anything green?

  8. maybe you ate taro.

    someone said it turns poo green.

  9. ONLY worry if your poo is extremely very very dark brown to black..its usally means there is some thing wrong with your blood or you have  some malfunction with heart.or blood circulation..if that ever happens go to doctor with your stool if possible ASAP. ..every thing else you described tends to be change in diet.specialy if you eat a whole ton of greens.. it happens to me with beetroot if i eat too much of it it goes all red.. nothing to worry about..but just a word of warning...since your changing diet you may be allergic to some  greens or vegetables.. nothign to be very worried about but if you do eat some thing and you have difficulty breathing or come out in a rash thats never been there before .or if you puke.stop eating that vegetable or green..usally the vegetables or greens that general give poeple alergic reaction are the NIGHT SHADE FAMILY of rubarb the leaves dont eat them they posinus ,tomatoes,eggplants.cabbage.and some potatoes.but if you ask me the most safest vegetables or greens are the chinnese type.oh and lot of fresh green herbs can make ur poo green too.

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