
What does it mean if there is a bat on my window?

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What does it mean if there is a bat on my window?




  1. it's probably hungry

  2. If its a baseball bat you have an American peeping tom.If its a cricketbat it is an English peeping tom.

  3. There is a popular beleif that the devil takes the shape of a bat. Some people believe that ghosts take the form of bats and therefore houses with bats in them are haunted.

             To the Chinese and the Poles, bats are a good omen. the chinese say that bats fly with their bodies down because their brains are so heavy, they also beleive that the bat is the symbol of long tife and happiness.

           In most other countries, bats are thought of as evil things. To the Irish, the bat is a symbol of death. There is a common idea that if bats move into a house, the occupants will shortly move out.

  4. lmao I like that run the devil is after you. If you have a bat at your window your well protected if a burglar comes in through your bedroom door. If they come in through your window and pick up the bat then your f**cked lol

  5. its time to suck your blood mwhahaha

  6. it means the bat finds it comfortabl on ur window sill, maybe its warmer there, or colder there, and he likes it! or hes a perverted vampyre!!!!

  7. that some ones trying to give you bad luck but dont worry it wont work .only if the bat come sin then you have something to worry about.good luck.

  8. It means he is a peeping Bat.

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