
What does it mean if you dream you witness someone fall off a roof?

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What does it mean if you dream you witness someone fall off a roof?




  1. maybe you know someone needs help but you don't know how to be there for them and your dream is just you worrying about the situation unconsciously

    maybe you know some clumsy people and you think one day this will come to be

  2. Your dream indicates a concern for some emerging potentially harmful situation that you cannot prevent or control, even though you sense it coming to be.

    The person falling could be anyone - including yourself.  This you would have to determine from the context of your own life and how you feel about the dream.  Stop and think of those things and what is going on around you.

    The 'harm' would not have to be as severe as someone falling off of a roof.  It could be a less harmful issue, but one of some gravity.  Look at academics, finance, relationships - all the things that are important and so often go wrong for us.  Think of those you know who may be facing issues among these sorts of things - including yourself.

    The drastic fall is likely an exaggeration - very often our dreams to that to get us focused on some matter that needs attention.  It is a way of our inner minds alerting us - jarring us into reflection of the dream and what meaning there may be in it.  Hence, your own question here.  

    Consider these things in the context you would know best - perhaps you will clearly identify a situation whereby you need not really just stand and watch but may be able to help in some way.

    All the best to you.

  3. It could mean that you are worried about a situation that you feel is out of your control.  Maybe a relationship or work problem, that you don't know how to solve, or are afraid too!!

  4. It only mean that you have dreamt .

  5. This dream would need more detail but in general it could be that you are heading for a fall, i.e. something going wrong in your life that you can foresee and are worried about.  It could be you know someone that has gotten a bit big for their boots and needs to come down a peg or two.  A fear of loosing someone close, even a fear of failure.  But it’s subjective to the individual having the dream and could be none of the above.  My main guess is it's based on a fear emotion so look at what's bothering you, however big or small.

  6. You're going to fall off of a roof.

  7. Warns you are afraid of something.

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