
What does it mean if you have strong sensations of deja' vu upon entering new dwellings?

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As a child, this happened more frequently. It doesn't happen so much any more, but it does still happen. I get stong feelings of being there before. It can happen anywhere, but most of the time it happened upon stepping through the threshhold of someone's house. At times it would make me dizzy and I wouldn't have to wait a sec to get my bearings.




  1. it means you have seen it or lived through that experience before.

  2. Maybe you've been there in a past life. Research the buildings you experience most to see how long they've been around.

  3. I don't think that happens to me..but I have this problem with "feeling at home" in places...and that some people are "my family". They don't feel the same I don't know why I feel it. They're not necessarily people that make you feel comfortable so don't say that's why I feel that way.

  4. There is no need to start thinking about past lives or other paranormal explanations for this phenomenon.

    I, too, have experienced deja vu on many occasions - and still do.

    The reason is (obviously) because there is something familiar about the place. This may be any one of a number of things,


    you may have read about the place or seen pictures, or seen it on TV;

    there may be parts of the place that are similar to other places you have visited (I find this happens a lot in churches and cathedrals with me);

    there may be other associations for you - smell, for instance, is a very strong memory trigger - there is a certain smell that will instantly and vividly transport me back to my days at junior school - a familiar smell may give you deja vu

    I find it quite a pleasant experience.

  5. I have the same thing happen.  If it is a house I have not been in before, it makes me wonder what the history of that house is.  Sometimes I just get odd gut feelings and I do not know what is wrong.  House hunting when we bought our house was interesting!!!  A couple houses I just did not even want to step into.

  6. I've had the same happen to me,in diverse situations,it feels like I already went through it or I see someone I've never seen before but looks and feels very familiar.Kind of weird hu?I would like to know why this happens too.

  7. I sometimes get it when I'm in a new environment. Its so strange because before being the new environments I could imagine these environments before. When i do get Deja vu I get it one after the other.

    It's like "Oh, I just got deja vu". "I just got it again......and again......and again!"

    I've been getting them like that for the last few years now.

    I often get Deja vu about a specific movements of an indivdual seen from a specific individual. I even have deja vu about what people say, when, they say it, where they say it, how they say it .etc.

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