
What does it mean if you keep having dreams about your ex?

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Okay, that past few nights I've been having dreams about my ex, I could understand if we broke up recently... but I've been with my curent girlfirned for about a year and a half now, and I love her with all my heart... And I don't have any feelings for my ex...except recentment, but the dreams, say for one I was lying in my bed, and she curled up with me, and went to sleep, What does that mean? I know I don't still like her, so what else can it mean? Or am I just fooling myself? Could I really still have something for her? Or could it be voodoo?




  1. Your ex lived part of your life and that is a fact.  She lurks into your subconscious mind and may become a symbol of regret, guilt conscience.

    Even though you have current girl friend, the ex in this case may symbolize things you have done, dealt with in the past.  In other words, she serves as symbol of reminder of things you may feel regret, guilty about.  In other words, subconsciously you are trying to tell yourself not to commit same mistake again.

  2. I think you never forget some of your loves from the past, just don't dwell on them. I still have dreams about an ex even though I have been married for 28 years.I guess you always wonder what would have been or how your life would have been different.

  3. To dream about your ex-girlfriend or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person.

  4. you want them back

  5. Well everyone has different beliefs on what dreams mean - I personally think they just reflect what's been on your mind, whether it's conciously or subconciously. I often have dreams I can't figure out and then I see an ad on tv (which i watch just before I go to sleep) and it all makes sense.

    Don't stress - the more you think about it the more she'll pop up in your dreams!

    If you're happy with your current girlfriend then forget about it :)

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