
What does it mean if you see a bird flying overhead with a snake in its mouth?

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i think it's some old native american sign




  1. It might mean you are in Mexico.

    Cant remember if the snake is in the birds mouth or in his talon.

  2. It means it caught lunch

  3. It is a sign of assention into heaven.  A soul is being reunited with God.  Someone must have died besides the snake.

    Or it could simply mean that a bird of prey caught his lunch.

  4. It means that the bird likes to eat snakes and caught one.

  5. death

  6. its a sign that the bird got take-out.

  7. it means tht you will have some problems with someone that will try to ''make you'' on the back but the family and the loyal friends will save you and u will have a good time.Be aware: you must not relay on some1 you already had problems even though u are friends now! Try staing with the family more!

  8. it means the bird will have a good meal soon.

  9. nope it's no means that the bird has just caught its prey and gonna be having a good meal soon!!!

  10. The Serpent is symbolic of Life, and the Earth.  Birds are symbolic of the Heavens/Air.  In combination, the image is symbolic of the union of these two polar opposites.  Symbolically, this image represents a rebirth or ressurection.  If you witnessed this earlier today, and you intend to interpret it as an "omen" of sorts.  It means that change is coming.  Something within you will die and be reborn.  Good sign.

    If i am misinterpretting, I apologize.  However you can see for yourself:

    Birds = enlightenment, perspective, swiftness, vision, prophetic knowledge

    Snake = healing, life energy/breath, transformation

    This is why I stated that it's symbolic of a rebirth, more than likely a spiritual rebirth.

  11. hunting for surviving in the animal kingdom

  12. The bird gets a good lunch -- that is all. How could it possibly mean anything to humans?

  13. Uh that it was hungry and caught something to eat for lunch or maybe a snack.

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