
What does it mean if your eye twitches?

by  |  earlier

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it just started... how do u get it to stop.. it is an awful feeling....




  1. You're tired and you have strained your eyes. Just get a good night's sleep, and it should clear up. Nothing to worry about.  

  2. It might be that you are over stressed and your nerves are twitching.

    It recently has been happening to one of my family members and she had to go to the doctor, they gave her sedatives to calm her nerves.

    If it is persistent check it out at the doctor.

  3. Most likely, it's not serious, but there aren't really any affective "cures" for eye strain.

    The most common causes are:

        * Corneal irritation or injury

        * Stress

        * Lack of sleep

        * Fatigue

        * Prolonged staring or eye strain

        * Neurological disorders

        * Possibly Hereditary

    If it really bothers you, check with your doctor as it could be signs of other more serious issues.

    I get a terrible twitching in my left eye form time to time, and it's most likely lack of sleep and eye strain. Nothing they can do for that really accept me getting more sleep and maybe getting glasses to help with preventing eye strain.

  4. this is usually caused by stress or nerves.

    Find the cause of the stress & you should remedy the problem.

    Breathe slow & deep for a moment or two & this also helps calm the nerves.

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