
What does it mean if your pet fish?

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i just got two new fish. this is my first time ever having some. what does it mean when your goldfish go to the top of the bowl and suck with their lips like they are looking for food. are they hungry even though i already fed them? they have been doing it since last night.after i feed them they continue to do it. i dont want to overfeed them but i dont want to starve them either!




  1. The answer you got is correct but your problem is bigger than that.  They are not hungry, they're not getting enough air!  First off having two goldfish in a bowl probably means they are overcrowded.  Depending on what type of gold fish you got they will need AT LEAST a 15 gallon tank - not a bowl!  You'll  need a pump/filter to clean the water, a hood and light for the tank etc..  It will get a costly (more than you probably anticipated) but in the long run they will live and you'll be better off.  Whatever you do, don't try changing all the water in their bowl at the same time.  They foul their water quicker than other fish so you do need frequent water changes but only change about 1/3 of it at a time.  You need to make sure the chlorine is out of the new water by treating it with drops or letting it sit out overnight.  You should also make sure the temperature of the new water is about the same as the water in their bowl/tank.  You'll probably have to start saving up some money now so you can upgrade their living conditions.  It's summer so maybe you can pick up some odd jobs in the neighborhood or do extra chores around the house and make some money.  After you get $50-75 saved up start looking for a set-up.  You might be able to find used stuff on e-bay less expensively but if you go that route make sure you check out the tank and stuff for leaks and make sure things are working right before handing over any $$$.   You'll need to let the tank run for about a week (and test the water) before moving your goldfish into their new digs.

  2. If they're goldfish, and they don't have any aeration in the tank, CHANGE THEIR WATER RIGHT AWAY. It means that there's a significant lack of oxygen in the water, and they're literally drowning. Change their water, and get an air pump going as soon as you can.

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