
What does it mean in Monopoly for the bank to "mortgage" property.?

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What does it mean in Monopoly for the bank to "mortgage" property.?




  1. You can mortgage property you have already bought if you need money.  The mortgage value is specified on the back of the deed (the little card you get when you buy it).  That's how much money you get if you mortgage it, and to pay off the mortgage you must pay that amount.  The problem is if you have a property that is mortgaged and someone lands on it, they don't have to pay you rent.

  2. to mortgage property means that if you run out of money and you own property then you can turn the property into the bank and get amount of money that it says on the back of the property card so that you will have money and that you can keep playing.

    or at the end of the game that you play you can mortgage your property meaning that you turn it into the bank and get the amount of money on the back of the property card so you have more money when you count up all of your money and you have a better chance of winning.

  3. Eevery answer has it wrong so far... you must pay back the mortgage value PLUS 10%. It's written on the bloody card, for crying out loud.

  4. It means that it takes property in exchange for money you owe. If you can later pay the mortgage off, the property will be bought from the bank and become yours again. Conversely, if someone else pays the mortgage, possession will revert to them.

  5. To mortgage in monopoly is you are giving that property to the bank and you get the amount of money on the back of the card and when you put it in mortgage no one else can buy it but you cant get money when people land on that property. you can eventually buy them back just pay the price of the mortgage which is the amount of money you got when you mortgaged the property. Your welcome,

                                                    BrAnDyn 2012

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