
What does it mean in when they say "born-again"?

by  |  earlier

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I've come across it a few times and I'm kinda confused. What exactly does it mean?

e.g. born-again journalist, born-again christian.....etc.

Thanks :)




  1. A born again christian is one who has been baptised in water.  You have to repent and ask god's forgiveness for all your sins and when you come out of the water you are then a  born again christian..

  2. it means that they are someone who thinks they will be or have been born again essentially. I could mean they died than thought they were born again or they turned over a new leaf

  3. born again really means that u have found god and are willing to devote ur life ta hime after all this time. u may have sinned in the past and u wanna turn ya life ova to him. so u get baptised ans taht is when u become born again................................

  4. a new season in that field

  5. to be a "born again" Christian means that you have been saved, and your old self has died, and you have been born again as a new creation in Christ

    for more on this:

  6. you have a fresh start, most likely you "found" God

  7. Live a new life

  8. Bad people. Hypocrites who pretend to be "god" people

  9. Religious mambo jumbo. It really means that they used to be mass murderers and now suddenly they have become goody goody bible huggers........

    A bunch of nonsense!  

  10. usually if you are in a church that believes in god then u believe that the holy spirit is given to you as a language through god. then those that have the holy spirit are considered born-again (in a religious sense - a spiritual rebirth) u are now considered one of gods children and you are saved.

    i know its confusing, i dont get it sorta either.

  11. Which of the words 'born' and 'again' are you having trouble with?

  12. It means you were one once, stopped being one, and now became one once more.

  13. Cleansing of the soul, fresh start, clean slate, transition of beliefs, the usual.

  14. donno

  15. born-again : (adj) having undergone a conversion,esp to evangelical


    born-again journalist: a former mediocre journalist,who suddenly shows

                                  brilliance and excellence in his profession.

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