
What does it mean on my speeding ticket that the cop used a laser, not a radar?

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What does it mean on my speeding ticket that the cop used a laser, not a radar?




  1. Laser is a LIDAR it stands for Light detection and ranging. It does the same thing as RADAR (show speed readings) but it uses light beams to give a speed readout. It fires a light wave out and it reflects back to the unit, telling you the speed and distance.

    RADAR uses radio waves which bounce off the vehicle(s) to give you a speed readout.

    Some more background:

  2. This means the police officer used laser (LiDAR) instead of radar. Police laser utilizes a thin, controlled beam of light (laser) to measure the speed of passing vehicles. The laser only needs to hit your vehicle for .2 seconds (2 tenths of a second) to measure your speed. Though some radar detectors will alert to laser, with only .2 seconds to check your speed, a radar detector is practically useless against police laser.

    The only worthwhile countermeasure against police laser is a laser jammer. Like radar detectors, laser jammers are also LEGAL to use in most states. A laser jammer jams the laser gun and alerts you to the laser, allowing you time to check your speed before turning the jammer off and allowing the police officer to read your adjusted speed.

  3. It means he used a laser detector, not a radar detector.

  4. I really have no idea.

    You know you shouldn't be

    Probably some new program they are using now.

    Using a little red beam.

    You know how officers are going high tech.

  5. He used a laser of Lidar gun

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