
What does it mean.....?

by Guest34342  |  earlier

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Ok here's the thing..

I have a childhood friend that I haven't seen and talked to for a long time (about 7 years). But we met each other again a couple of years ago. We never bonded that well though. But ever since then, I have been having dreams about him. In my dreams, he does something different and wear something different too. He was wearing blue, then brown, then white (I cannot remember the other colors). But I must say, he certainly wear blue more often in my dreams. In some of my dreams, he did things that upset me but there were times when he did something for my own benefit. I don't dream about him as often as before now and the most recent dream that I had about him was that he was smiling at me and never said a thing.

>What does it mean having a dream about someone more than once?

>What do you think my dream is trying to tell me?

>Are there any symbolism or something?

thanks for helping me out...

Any advice, interpretations or suggestions would be apprc8ted=)




  1. Maybe this one old friend is now representative of lots of old friends, either people you both knew, or people you alone knew about seven years ago.

    He wears different clothes and acts different ways because he represents memories you can't quite tease out names or faces for, memories of friends you've actually forgotten (almost) but have been subliminally reminded of since you saw this friend.

    There can also be 'forgotten' memories of your relationship with this friend when you were a kid. You are just subconsciously touching on how things were then, in these recent dreams. Seeing him again after so long can easily bring up these kinds of things.

    I often dream of people more than once; haven't you done so before? Probably you have. Maybe you don't recall, if so. We remember some dreams, and others fade away the instant we wake up. You recall the dreams of this friend because they are fairly frequent and you're curious about them, which may make them occur more often.

    I talked to an ex I hadn't seen in years and also had several similar dreams, until enough time passed that other things became uppermost in my mind, and so more likely to color my dreams.

    I'm only writing opinions here, and a bit from experience.

  2. maybe you are subconsciously thinking about this person a lot recently, which is why you keep dreaming about him a lot. i have moved places a lot and i often dream about old friends i haven't talked to in a while after i am reminded of them by something (or someone).

    maybe your dream is trying to tell you to get in touch or try harder to be friends again?

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