
What does it mean someone say You enjoy romance but you have to be careful becuase you

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might meet with a unfaithful womanizer who only wants to use you and hurts you, you will not be happy with him. Or you will end up marrying untalented loser who will not support you but you ll have to support him. does this all mean i'm going to end up with these type of guys, because i don't want to be with these type of guys. can i change my mind




  1. lolz we all like romance I would think. When you meet a guy and you like hanging out with him, invite him to spend time with your friends, your circle of people who know you. They are usually good at seeing his faults and telling you. This way you get like a set of unbiased/not fooled by puppy love to point out to you if you would end up with a loser or not.

  2. being a romantic is fine but i can see the point, that some people just got out with people because they get along well, but only to find out years later they are unsupportive,or users who you wouldn't really want to be with, but you did at the time because you were swept of your feet.

    Hint of advice

    "Think with your head and not your heart"

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