
What does it mean that I dreamed a random guy from high school is my soulmate?

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I finished high school four years ago. During which, I had a few intense crushes, then there were my casual guy friends. THEN there were just people (guys and girls) that I talked to at school.

The guy I dreamed about--let's call him Ryan--was just one of those guys that I talked to/joked around with off and on during high school. I never thought much of him, really. He was just there. Sure, he was nice and sorta funny, but I never really thought he was cute and he was a little nerdy (and not in a s**y way, lol).

Anyway. That was four years ago. We haven't talked since. Well, we exchanged two or three "messages" on MySpace, but it was more of a "Hey, how's it going?" type thing. Never really thought about him over the years, besides that.

Which is why I'm a bit confused now. I can't remember the details of my dream from last night, but basically it was something along the lines of this: I was at a big picnic or something (with friends from high school and college) and my friends were like, "It's time for you to meet the person you're supposed to be with" (like romantically). They lead me over to this picnic table and Ryan's sitting there. We both smile at each other--for some reason, completely okay with this unexpected blind date thing--and inside, I feel like, "Okay--so he's my soulmate? Sounds good." Lol. I know--it's random. Even in the dream, I was a bit surprised, but perfectly fine with the outcome.

Most of the time, my dreams indirectly reference things that I'm dealing with in my waking life. Like when I was about to start college, I kept dreaming about babies and being pregnant (i.e., college as a rebirth for me; or a new life). I just can't figure out what this one means.

Part of me wants to call up Mr. Ryan just to make sure my mind isn't sending me hints about a romantic destiny, lol. The other part just wants some ideas/suggestions of what his appearance in my dream could represent.




  1. Talk to him. What's the worst that can happen?

  2. Just call him, it wont hurt.

  3. that you like him and you should talk to him.

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