
What does it mean the "eyes are soul-less"?

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OR the "color of the eyes is soul-less". what does it mean to you?




  1. eyes are regarded as windows to the brain/mind/soul

    a cold hearted or cruel person is said to have soulless eyes, as in, there is nothing or at most very little soul, kindness, conscience and identity behind the eyes.

  2. Hmm, different people have different answers.  From experience (of hearing how people use it), I associate "soulless eyes" with small beady/really deep-set eyes or with really really pale-blue eyes (although for me color alone doesnt qualify really without context of the rest of the face.)  Interesting question--esp. to see what others say...

  3. Sometimes when authors describe a characters eyes as 'soulless' they are describing this person at the moment as uncaring, or slightly in-human. These words give of the image of a person who is cold, with hard facial expressions. The same with real life- I a person has 'soulless' eyes, their expression is generally hard, cold, unkind, and uncaring. Having 'soulless' eyes is merely describing a facial expression.

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