
What does it mean...this Dream?

by  |  earlier

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So i'm in what i can only presume is an apartment. And there is this girl(can't rember her face) and i tell her that i'll marry her. Ok so it doesn't seem so strange.

But i start kissing her, but it feels so real. And when i put my hands on her i can feel her body heat. It was so surreal. It actually felt like i was kissing a girl. It was filled with emotion. It was possible the weirdist dream i've ever had, because it felt like it was actually happening

Also i'm currently single.

In the apartment it is very big open plan floor space. With really big window. And i think i'm very high up.

And for the record it wasn't a wet dream, there was no discharge.




  1. it means you want to get into a new relationship and possibly get married.

  2. what time is it?

    its late for me. i should be asleep.

  3. Muy raro tu sueño!

    Saves... todo sueño tiene su significado, pero solo los sueños que te los acuerdas después de despertar... porque hay sueños que te los acuerdas en el momento pero luego desaparecen de tuemnte...

  4. My method of interpreting dreams is to ask questions so the person who had the dream can gain an understanding of how that dream applies to real life. I believe dreams have meaning and are a way of tapping into the subconscious. Are you feeling desperate, like you're so ready for a relationship you might blindly choose anyone (you telling this girl you'll marry her)? Or are you feeling more emotionally stable and feel it's time for a relationship, but you don't want any old relationship because you want the woman you're going to marry? Being on a higher floor with big windows could symbolize that being in love gives you a high and you have big dreams for the future. Are you, as the saying goes, "in love with being in love" or do you actually want something real and lasting? You need to decide for yourself the mindset you have about relationships at this time. Are you happy being single or do you want a relationship? Why? What are you looking for in a girlfriend? What do you want out of a relationship? Do you have long-term goals? How would they be affected by the relationship you want? Could there be something else the girl represents? A goal maybe? What is it you want most out of life?

    Does this in any way help you make sense of the dream?

  5. 1) Dreams are always metaphors and this leads to an interesting and little known FACT - No one is ever who they seem in a dream (as that would be too literal and not metaphorical at all)... The fact that you couldn't recognise the girl could easily mean the opposite i.e. she represents someone you actually know.

    2) Dreams are the mind's way of dealing with frustrated actions and thoughts from THAT DAY i.e. activities which you were unable to complete or fully express... Dreams are needed to "re-install" our instinctive drives after we have chosen to override blind instinct during the day and messed up our programming.

    It seems that the day before you had this dream you were prevented from making a proposal of some kind... Also you probably failed to act on emotions of love and/or fully express the closeness you needed (based on the intensity of the "kissing her" part of your dream)...

    The "body heat" bit makes me guess that someone you know (who was on your mind or you were actually with the day before your dream) is being cold to you and blocking your love, friendship and commitment. Alternatively based on the fact the girl is anonymous (less likely I think) you might have a general repressed need for love and commitment in your life - If so your dream is actually awakening your latent love instinct i.e. you are ready to move on from past disappointments in the relationship/commitment department.

    The "very big open plan floor space", "really big window", and "very high up" is harder for me to interpret but they sound like metaphors for "there's room for more things in my life", "it's easy to look outside if I want too" and something to do with aloofness or power to see clearly by getting things in perspective...

    Hope that helps

  6. It could be something from a past life about to kick in and cause it's coincidence/effect on yours.

    More likely it is symbolic to you and has relevance in your life. Only you can really work that one out for your self.

  7. it means your lonely

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