
What does it mean to abandon your child?

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the biological mother dropped off my step daughter we agreed she will have her wed thru fri. we are even lucky if she called to talk to her she hasnt come to see the baby in 3 weeks i call all the time she dont answer or shell turn of her phone i went by her work and they said she dont work there i go by her place and shes never there. i m not complaining but i think a biological mother should be more in her childs eyes for hevan sakes her daughter calles her by her real name now when she sees her and consantley says she dont wanna go with her




  1. Abandoning your child is leaving your child and not returning basically. The problem is that in the eyes of the law a parent has to abandon a child for a long period of time before it is called abandonment. If you have tried to contact the bio mother, and she is not coming around then you should consult a lawyer now, so that her actions are recorded legally.

  2. whao, what kind of person is she.. she will regret it one day it will eat her conscious.. and you are a nice mother because she abandon her daughter now you replace her mothers place because the baby looks up to you and the baby feels that she cant trust her anymore so she doesnt want to be around her. i also think you should reported to child protective services and ask for the child to stay with you since you are family anyways and ask them to help you get custody of the child, because if you dont then the mother at anytime could come and claim the baby anytime and you cant denied her from taking her daughter and she could also press charges to you for kipnapping  their is alot of ways you could get in trouble if you dont do the proper way.. im a private investigator and i know what im telling you i see this everyday..but you could do the best thing in that childs life and thats getting custody of her before she comes claiming her cuz not even calling the cops would work if she decides to get her 3 years after lets say well in any moment by law she could take her daughter back because her maternal rights hasnt been terminated and thats why you and your husband has to go to the court and file for custody.dont wait to long cuz alot of people could be hurt and the mother of the child could accuse you in alot of ways and if you have kids of your owned than your kids could be taking away.. so be carefull.

  3. What she did was abandoning her child! That is no way a mother should act. I don't blame her daughter for not wanting to go with her. Children know when their not wanted!

  4. It means she no longer wants her child.. thats what the abandoning is all about. obviously this woman has other plans than being a mother. If she hasnt seen her baby in 3 weeks. The fact that she doesnt want to go with her mom should be sending up some red flags.. I went through the same thing with my daughter when she went over to my grandmothers house.. she said she never wanted to go.. I found out why!! and now she is no longer allowed to see my daughter..

    . I would suggest calling social services to see what you can do to take custody of the baby.. if thats what you want to do. explain to them what has been going on that you can't find the mother at all. They will probably attempt to find the mother or give you temporary custody. but im sure you will have to go through the courts to get full custody if thats what should happen. The baby deserves a loving mother, as well as good care and a home. and if the mother cant be bothered to provide that. Maybe you can :)

  5. Abandonment is no physical or financial contact for 1 year or longer.  Sometimes the courts will consider it abandonment if there are still cards or letters or childsupport but many courts seem to say the same thing, that abandonment is NO CONTACT between biological parent and child.

  6. Let me congratulate you're such a nice person for taking care of your stepdaughter....!!

    And just by her biological mother not picking her up on time and not answering the phone or calling to see how her daughter is doing...Obviously is consider ABANDON !!

    start considering adoption !!

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