
What does it mean to be a first round pick?

by Guest60216  |  earlier

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Like, when a dude is in college and he is going into the NFL, what does it mean?

Sorry, I know alot about football, I just don't understand that whole situation.




  1. It means he is EXPECTED to be drafted in the first round. That he is likely seen as the best in his position(with the exception of place kickers and punters who almost never go in the first round). It DOESN'T mean he will be drafted in the first round, just that they expect him to be. A lot of people didn't read the question. It said a COLLEGE talent, not an NFL draftee.  

  2. It means more money, and more pressure to perform. It means better chances of getting advertising deals as a rookie.

    The real answer is that when all the teams go into the college draft each team gets one pick (this can vary with trade deals and such- but 32 "first round" picks- one for each team). All the eligible players from college are then drafted. So there are 32 first round draft picks.

    Then it goes to the second round and teams pick again.

    So- if you are selected in the first round you were one of the first 32 college players selected in the draft.

    This does not always equate to being a great pro football player, as many have come from the 6th- 7th- and even walk on players to become Hall of Fame caliber.

    Also- the worst teams from the previous year get the first picks.

  3. It means you were good enough to be picked in the first round of the draft.  The higher you are picked the more money.

  4. They were drafted in the first round, you dont know much if you cant understand the simplicity behind that.

  5. Being a first round pick in the NFL means that when a team drafts players, they have a certain order to go in.  Sometimes the best player does not always get drafted first but teams make picks based on their needs.  Not all first round picks last long nor do all players who were drafted number one last long.  

    Additionally, all teams have scouts who evaluate talent and have a draft board to determine who they will choose.  

  6. It means he will be paid so much that he nearly bankrupts his team.  Rookies should be paid rookie wages.  Those with proven track records should be paid accordingly.

  7. One of the first 32 picks in the NFL draft.

    I won't even say anything about your football knowledge.

  8. they have a draft everyteam gets a pick at the top college players and they have seven rounds and each team starts off gettting 1 pick a around and if a player is picked in the first round its kinda like saying they are one of the top 32 rookies that got picked this year

    some idiot gave me a thumbs down, i wonder where im wrong? no wear cuz its all fact

  9. It means hes the best out of the draft class " best player". Its a good thing.

    1st round is great, 2nd round is good, 3rd round is alright.

  10. When your a first round pick that means your one of the best players coming out of college or high school. You wanna get the best players early so if your early your good.

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