
What does it mean to be an Egg Donor?

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In SF there's a program where they want women to donate Eggs (with a $7,000 compensation). But how does it work? And what does it mean to be an Egg Donor (I'm pretty interested in it (i mean look at the money just to donate an Egg)). Is it like donating organs?




  1. Here is a good page to find out. =)

  2. oh gosh...ok, it's donating one or more of your eggs or ova so that people who cannot conceive on their own will use your eggs to have a's not simple and has many side effects  

  3. They do a very extensive health and family history.  Make sure you don't have any major illnesses, diseases etc in your family.  Then if you pass that, you start taking hormone shots.  You have to take them everynight; I think for 3-4 months.  Then you go in and have an outpatient procedure where they extract the eggs.  Then basically they can give them to whomever they want that looks at your profile (your age, weight, hair color, genetics, illnesses in your family, your acedemic acheivements, goals, job (basically everything about your life)

  4. All woman produce eggs after their period every month. Some women's egg are low quality and therefore they can't get pregnant. If you're an egg donor, they would retrieve your eggs under anesthesia, and you'll give a woman a chance to get pregnant.

    It's not a major procedure, you might have "some" cramping afterwards, but it's no big deal.

  5. you would be donating your ovum..which would mean that you would be the mother of a are often required to take medication including injections to increase your egg production.  

  6. its when a girl and a guy (or a woman and a woman)  want to have a kid/ kids and one of them ( or both) can not get pregnant so they get people that are willing to donate an egg. (thats where the egg donor comes in)  

  7. Ask the easter bunny

  8. It's not just an egg. They give you hormone pills to produce more than one at a time. Then they take a long needle and stick it through your vaginal wall to extract the eggs from your ovary while looking at it through an ultrasound. You also can't take birth control or have s*x during the time you are producing the eggs. It's a long process hence the $7,000 compensation, but it isn't for one egg it's for all that you produce that time.  Also you have to live with the fact that some kid out there is going to have half your genes and you will never know them.  

  9. No it's not like donating organs.  The female body produces an extraordinary amount of eggs that she will never use.  You can donate eggs and then still have a baby, however while on the medication they give you to cause you to ovulate you have to stay abstinent.  Usually about 3-4 weeks.  You have regular checkups, mental and physical.  The procedure for collecting the eggs is an outpatient procedure not much more than getting a pap smear.  At one time you will donate several dozen-100 eggs.  This is a great thing to do, there are so many women that cannot produce healthy eggs in order to get pregnant and this is their only option.  I really hope you give it a shot!

  10. u freaking dumbass. Please tell me you have more brains in your head than that.

    What in the world do you think an "egg" is? They want to take one of your eggs to fertilize with some strangers sperm and MAKE A FREAKING BABY! Im sure since you said SF, that it is for g**s and lesbians that want kids.

    You dont have any ethical issues with some stranger having your baby walking around like you dont exist? How would you like to know that the only reason why you exist is b/c some woman cared more about $7000 than whether or not I was even a thought in her mind.

    WAKE UP!

  11. Eggs are what sperm fertilize.

    Girls produce eggs, eggs come out when you have your period, so thats probably when you can donate your eggs.

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