
What does it mean to be "to big for your britches?"?

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What does it mean to be "to big for your britches?"?




  1. smark remark, or talking back saying something you shouldn't.

  2. a wiseguy; smart alack; you need to respect your elders

  3. It is an idiom describing someone who is conceited; overconfident, even arrogant; and who has an exaggerated sense of his/her own importance.

  4. Haha, my grandparents used to tell me" You're getting to be too big for your britches." They would say this usually after I made a smart-aliek remark. All they meant was, that was innapropriate, and you shouldn't be saying things like that. It's a nicer way of saying "Sass off to me one more time, and I'll go get the belt"

  5. Being "too big for your britches" means:

    acting older than what you are

    acting 'bigger' than what your pants size is

    acting like a bigger idiot than you are

    acting like a smart *** for someone your age

    acting like you're someone you're not

    acting like a big-shot, when you have no authority

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