
What does it mean to burnout in training?

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how much training is too much?

how can i avoid over training while still pushing myself to improve? I need to get my times down.

I am 16

800m: 2:15

1600m: 5:05




  1. Burning out is a mental problem. We you get burned out, you cant get you mind back into training. You lose disciple (been there done that)

    To improve your times you need smart training. No pain no gain is stupid, and so is piling on mileage that doesnt help.

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  2. Sometimes you cant' really help it if you burn out. You want to train hard and you want to get better, but there is going to be a time when your times start to stop improving and may even get worse. That is probably when you are burned out. You will know when you are feeling burned out. You can feel it. When you start to feel burned out just take it a little bit easier so you can be ready for your big meets. All that really matters is that you are ready for regionals and states. You need to gradually elevate your training and make it harder depending on when you want to be in the best shape.  I went to state and I was just totally burned out because I ignored my body when it told me that I was training too much.

  3. if you get sore you should rest for however many days it takes to recover, because your muscles literally rip when training they need time to heal. If you just keep ripping them they will suffer serious long term damage and you will never get your times down. Good nutrition and rotating days is normally the best option.

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