
What does it mean to constantly dream that im swimming?

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What does it mean to constantly dream that im swimming?




  1. Dreams about swimming are related to the need to trust your instincts and look to past situations for answers to problems. They can also signify the need for nurturing or mothering in one's life.

  2. First of all don't be mistaken. Dreams are absolutely, in no way "visions" of the future. Unless you act on them or your mind imagines what actually turns out to happen, then they are simply dreams.

    What I can tell you is that your mind will only re-create certain elements of your life that you have experienced or have thought about experiencing.

    To dream that you are swimming can indicate that you might have a desire to break away from something.

    Where are you swimming? How do you feel? Who is around you? Why are you swimming? Are you swimming toward or away from something? What are you wearing? Are you formally dressed or dressed in a relaxed way (This might be a key to how comfortable you are in the situation that is making you "swim")

    A friend of mine kept dreaming that he was swimming through the air (not like flying- the movement was that of swimming and floating), and the dream always took place at his school. He spoke of a feeling of relaxation, pleasure and ease when he "swam".

    It turned out that my friend was struggling in school and in "swimming" was removing himself -quite literally- from the ground on which his mind linked with the trauma of his day to day life.

    Consider why you are swimming. Consider how you feel. Consider anything that has been going on in your life recently that has been unusual, or new.

    As well as freedom, swimming dreams might be linked with entrapment, is there anything you are involved in that you might want to be removed from?

    Finally, remember that if there is any pleasure from such a dream it is probably your mind providing solice from things that are causing you some stress, and any bad feeling is a sign that your mind is overwhelmed by some stress. Please, once you have identified what is causing you to dream this dream take action to adjust whatever is going on in your life. Your body might be at rest in sleep, but your mind is still very active when you dream. Soon this might start to affect how you behave, finding yourself more tired or irritable during the day. Find yourself a support network, share your problem with some friends (if it is a problem), your mind will be eased a little when you process things aloud.

    Don't worry about these things, my granny once told me when I was having a recurring bad dream is that all I had to do was wake up, and when I did to remind myself that IT WAS JUST A DREAM. An obvious piece of advise, maybe, but pretty effective.

    P.S. Take all the advise you can get, all the people that answer have taken the time to do just that, they all care a wee bit. All the best!

  3. to me it means that 1 day u will swim.... the end... lol.. but ya to me dreams r visions of the future.

  4. Water in dreams is related to emotions.  Swimming is how you relate to your emotions and what is happening in your life at the time.  You didn't provide any detail about the dreams.  In general, if you are swimming with ease then you are comfortable with the state of your emotions.  If you are in danger of drowning or having trouble staying afloat, then you are probably feeling overwhelmed in some area of your life.  You get the idea.


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