
What does it mean to dance through your heart?

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  1. Feel the emotions that the dance is portraying. And go deep in your soul to find that emotion.  

  2. dance like what you're portraying is reality , put everything into it .

    Love what you are doing.

  3. This can mean something a little different to everyone - but at our studio we teach it like this:

    There are three types of dancers -

    Technical Dancers who can do all the steps, but don't really get into the emotion or the character of any of the dances.

    Dancers who dance from the hearts - they know the moves and they understand the emotion the choreographer is trying to convey. Their facial expressions, hand movements etc. are all choregraphed as an active part of trying to convey that emotion.

    Dancers who dance through the heart are completely in the moment. When they are on stage they let themselves go and really feel the emotions that they are conveying. Their expression and movement tend to seem less choreographed and more organic.

    It's one thing to understand what the emotion behind the dance is, but truly exceptional dancers actually feel the emotions when they perform.

  4. in all honesty, you can only figure it out by doing it yourself.

    you can't plan it, but you'll know when you're dancing through your heart.

    it meants getting that feeling of warmness and fullness (not food, but that wholesome feeling you get) while dancing and you give it your all.

    i cant really explain it, but it's wonderful (:

  5. This is a "generic" saying that can be used for anything you do.  Whatever you do, it has to come from the heart; you must have a love for it, you have to give it your all (your heart).

  6. sounds like it means dance w/ pure passion and emotion that you feel from your heart

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