
What does it mean to dream about getting a new boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream of getitng a new boyfriend,, idk it was really short but it was a guy i met a few months ago at camp..and going on a date. (we werent even close or anything.. we just knew each other and we barely talked.. and its not like i had a crush on him or anything) i mean .. do dreams mean anything?




  1. Absolutely dreams mean something, especially if they become reoccuring. If you're dreaming about getting a new boyfriend a part of you, even if it's so small you're not fully aware of it, has considered getting a new boyfriend. I was unhappy in a relationship and I used to have dreams about getting a new girlfriend. After a while they became so reoccuring (almost every night). After we broke they became less frequent and after I found another girl, whom I really love, the dreams became nonexistant. But if it's just one dream, one time, I wouldn't really worry too much about it.

  2. it means that you want a new boyfriend. maybe you think you don't have a  crush on this guy, but deep down you really do and when you sleep you dream about it...

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