
What does it mean to dream in color?

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What does it mean to dream in color?




  1. I've heard it said it means you are a more creative person.

    I never could remember color in my dreams, until I had one where I almost got hit by a car, and I remember it being bright cherry red and stopping just at my legs.  Then I woke up. LOL

  2. Dreaming in color is notably in the children's world but occasionally we adults see one and quite fascinating it is! These dreams in technicolor are in a period of emotion,and in the child's life respectfully theirs. Don't we all have a child within us?

  3. Some colors are symbolic.  If you take notice of any particular color, look it up.  Lucid dreams are more vivid and colorful too.

  4. most people dream in black and white

    and then there're others who dream in black, white, and red.

    but no other colors

    i didnt know about this until i was probably 14

    because i had always dreamed in colors

    i could not imagine dreaming in black and white.

    what boring dreams those would be...

    in my dreams it's insane.  like on acid or something... the colors are even brighter than real life.  they're quite fascinating.

    but dreaming in color can be linked to creativity, intelligence, and artistic ability.

    and seeing as i'm an artist, i guess it just fits right in.

  5. It means that some of your dreams are just stuff that you wish would happen in real life.

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