
What does it mean to dream of a helicopter & sharks...?

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I wont go into detail it was a long complicated dream but flying in the helicopter and landing was very important as was the place we landed. There was really clear water and right up close there were small sharks swimming. Some looked like eels and there was a tiny seal but there were sharks mainly.

I cant find anything about dreaming about helicopters online! Any ideas? Thanks




  1. i've done a little research on dreams and figure you should break the dream down to symbols find that meaning and paste it back together(of coarse you need to know the meaning of the symbols but u can find that online) u were vague in some cases like where u landed and y its important, the ending, and other things but i can give u a rough translation. keep in mind i dont believe dreams can tell u the future but i do believe thier ur subconscious language so my interpretation is based on that. seems to me like the main symbols in this dream are the landing, the helicopter, the small sharks, the eels, water, and the seal

    SHARKS a threat that u dont c till its 2 late

    EELS:something lurking stealthly ready to strike( or attack)

    HELICOPTER:the ability to rise above (or overcome) a problem

    LANDING:ill explain later since idk where it was

    SEALS: cleverness, imaginative,creative etc.

    WATER: thousands of meanings but urs seems to b specific

    SIZE: small= weak, unimportant u know things like that

    u are in the HELICOPTER w/ someone i presume since u mention "we" this is important since its possible they were flying, meaning u feel u can rise above a problem(if the other is flying(piloting) then u feel u need his/her help, if ur flying u feel they need u, if ur both working together u feel u need eachother) then u LAND idk if its land or water (water landing- u feel unstable on this platform or u associate this person with a memory of water like the pool or the beach) (land landing- idk since there are many possibilities, but my guess is u associate this place w/ that person) u LOOK INTO WATER the water might be a barrior between u and wat u c, u c SHARKS and EELS meaning u feel there are or might be problems that involve that person. the SEAL is alone i presume since u mention "a tiny seal"  u might consider urself or that person clever or creative meaning u or him/her are the seal or if this creativity thing doesnt apply then its likley the pilot, and ur bond is broken by a SMALL or small problems (since u mention the animals are small) and now u feel the passenger is week w/o the pilot

    CONCLUSION: You feel you and the person in the helicopter are going, or about to go through some tough times that were or will be sparked by minor events. The way it ends is important,if were u watching the water and suddenly awoke u dont feel that ur relationship might survive this ordeal, if ur attention focused off the water and back to the person THEN u woke up( of coarse what happened next is also important), u feel you will make it through this and can make it through any problem since ur attention shifts back to the helicopter scene.


    1) i dont know the whole dream and the slightest variation in the dream could alter its true meaning. like if by "we" you mean your whole family was on the helicopter, or if your not looking into the ocean, but rather a pond or puddle(which hadnt occurred to me till now)

    2) dreams are made by YOUR subconscious, NOT a therapist or some dream guru, or even me. these symbols are simply what they tend to mean on a general basis to a average person(i.e. if your a real pilot the helicopter could mean something completely different, or if at school your class is discussing marine biology) - see how this could affect ur subconscious  thus altering the dreams meaning?

    anyways i thought id show u my process of interpreting dreams cause odds are ur vagueness led me to assume the wrong thing in any case at least u can click in events of your life to better translate ur dreams

  2. The helicopter could be like your feeling of safety, the sharks are your fears. There may be something you are scared of that you dont want to think about.

  3. You were thinking about the Batman movie with Adam West where he climbs down the Bat Ladder from his helicopter, piloted by Robin, and an exploding shark latches onto his leg.

    Thankfully for Batman, Robin is able to pass him a canister of Shark Repellant and the predator explodes as it hits the water.

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