
What does it mean to dream of a turkey with golden eggs inside of it?

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Last night I had a dream about eating a thanksgiving turkey. It was already cooked and golden brown. Before I began eating it, I started taking these big golden eggs from inside of the hole (where some people put the stuffing). The eggs were golden, but the shell didn't look solid. The Gold wasn't the brightest of Gold, the Gold was a little darker, but they looked like eggs i had never seen before. I wish I could remember other askpects of the dream, but that picture stands out from last night.

Can anyone help me with this? Please don't post any jokes or ignorant answers.




  1. Since your turkey was cooked and on Thanksgiving day we'll think this turkey reminds you of a family/friend holiday.  

    The eggs were fragile, yet beautiful and made of gold.  That is supposed to be symbolic of a happy event or celebration.  

    Will your family have any reason to get together soon?  Yesterday was July 4th - did you get together with your family then and have fun?  Or do you usually get together, and plans were changed for whatever reason?  

    I hope that's the correct path.  

    Best of luck to you.

  2. It sounds as if you have recently discovered some latent talent that you possess. Before, you may thought of yourself as a "turkey", but with some introspection, you have discovered some valuable and hidden things about yourself. The turkey already being cooked and golden brown indicates that you are ready to pursue these new found talents you possess, to partake of them or it. Whatever this talent or ability is is still in its formative stage, indicated by the gold being darker and not as shiny as regular gold. It isn't what you expected and it is fragile and will need special care. With nurturance, it will grow into a special treasure for you.

  3. Sounds like the eggs from Charlie and the Chocolate factory, the old one. Perhaps you want it all?

  4. To see a turkey in your dream, indicates that you have been foolish. You are not thinking clearly. Alternatively, it may represent Thanksgiving and thus, a time of togetherness and family,

    To see or eat eggs in your dream, symbolizes fertility, birth and your creative potential.  It indicates that something new is about to happen.

    To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream, signifies some financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more significant the gain.  

    The golden color reflects your spiritual rewards, richness, refinement and enhancement of your surroundings.

    So pretty much explanatory, you have some financial gain. Or maybe you are just closer to your family.

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