
What does it mean to dream of angels?

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I had a dream that an angel saved me from being "pressed".

Maybe it's just me.

But sometimes at night (even when i pray) I wake up in the middle of the night and i can't move at all. Not even my fingers or toes... nothing. I can't even scream or whisper or talk.

One day I had a dream that I was getting the same "pressing feeling but an angel picked me up and saved me. Flying in the air I heard the wings flapping together But never saw the face. It set me down safely in my living room and flew away.

I woke up and started crying.

What could this dream mean?

Please help!




  1. OH What a beautiful dream .;;;;; First ; one of your problem will be solve and it appear it related to your love life ; let say you are alone ; well you will meet a wonderful person ; but if you are in a relation who is dragging you down ; it will be solve ; plus you are very protect and I am sure you are a religious and spiritual person . Keep on because God it telling you ; your prayers will b e answered

  2. well, either you are having panic attacks in your sleep, in which case, the angel is calming you down and making you feel safe, or you are being haunted by a demon and the angel is warding it off to keep you safe. Or, you feel unsafe and you subconciously want someone to help you feel safe. one of those maybe =)

  3. This is what your dream means.  The Lord is showing you that there are some issues which you are going through in your life where you feel "pressure" on you.  The "press" is in reference to trying to push and fight your way through obstacles in life.  Because you are seeking and trying to get in the Presence of the Lord.  But obstacles have a way of pushing back and putting pressure on you.  But the Lord is letting you know that He has sent angels to minister and attend to the concerns in your life, so that you will not feel beaten down, weary, and oppressed.   The scripture says, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.  They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash they foot against a stone".

  4. An angel generally means that the dream has an important message that will have an impact on your life.  It's also important what the angel looked like- a six-winged angel (a seraph) signifies that your life will be dominated by your own strength of character. A cherub can sometimes symbolize happy times ahead... I'm assuming this is the case. Paralysis can symbolize that you are unable to change a situation in your life- in the future, or the past. If the angel helped you, then it means that someone unknown to you at present will help you out of a deep hole in your life in the future that you can't get out of yourself.

  5. I'm sorry i cant help you but if i were you i would find some that can   interpretat  dreams  someone you trust  but for now here is a web sight  that might help  

    and just pray that you find out what it means

  6. Perhaps it means that you should pay attention to your spiritual life...that you can't live and move withough having God involved.

  7. your dead in a few days make it last i feel so sorry form you. dont worry it wont be a painful death thoguh.

  8. that ur best friend is g*y

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